Sunday, March 15, 2009

facebook (again).

OMG, okay3. i wanna take back EVERYTHING i said about facebook masa hari tu. i CANNOT believeeeeeeeeeeeee that the teachers in SMKS10KD (not all but most of them) have a facebook! i found Teacher Munirah (teacher dh lama dh jumpa :P) Ms. See Kimkin, Ms. On, Pn. Tang, Pn. Vasuki, Pn. Marina, Ms. Bee Boon Chink, and Pn. Yap! can you actually believe that? (hahah, i'm soooo mean) :P. for now, tu je la y dh jumpa. no worries. i'm so gonna search fr more! ;DD. tak sangka pulak the teachers ada facebook. i thought all these 'social utilities' are fr ppl aging below 18 years old. Lol lol. (okay, i lieeeed. i DON'T think it that way). Tkdelah, because parents/adults nowadays selalu cakap facebook, myspace, hi5 etc sume macam tk bermanfaat sgt untuk anak2/teenagers so i thought... oh, nvm2. anyway i'm just kidding! No offense yea teachers? ;PP. you are all still young and fabulousssss. ceyhh. bodek je lebihhh (kata teacher lah ;D). so, the conclusion is... is... mcm tkde je conclusion dia? hehh. so yea, that's about it. :)


Athirah Omar said...

siaaaaaaan sina (mcm boleh tak sian and sina tu exchange je those 2 letter plg blkg) , makcik2 aku pn ada facebook kot, if ada evente ke apa, sibuuuuuk tgkp gmba then buat apa ? letak dlm facebook ! letak dlm facebook !

Anis Farhanah said...

(tahh. sian sina. :P). ROFLOL! sama la kita. makcik aku pun. perhh. sume gambar pun dia masukkan. aku sbelum ni ingt org2 muda je y ada. i mean, no offense la kan tp betul apa. kan tira? slalu orang2 dewasa y kata facebook sume ni membuangkan masa (mmg betul pun. ;D)

Athirah Omar said...

yeah, ropol ropol limau limau . tak , aku fikir orang dewasa ni mcm ketinggalan zaman so dorg tktau pape bout internet hahahahahahahahah (ni sebab aku selalu compare kn dgn mak aku :P)

Anis Farhanah said...

HHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA. kau lg jahat doh. haaa, so kita skrg ni dh proven wrong la kan. nmpknya org dewasa kini dh makin majuuuu. good fr them! :PP