hmmmmm. where do i start ehh. okay2. it all started on the 17th of March '09, wednesday. masa pagi tu (pukul 12am cmtu la. bukan pagi, pagi), ym dengan teacher. teacher mana lagi, faham2 je la. ofcz teacher munirah aka mama. hahaha. so anyway, ym dengan teacher. bla3. then tiba2 teacher ajak datang uma teacher. honestly, i was like, woooooh. finally, teacher ajak pun. hahah. memang nak tengok uma teacher pun sebelum ni tp, tkkan nak main datang je kan. tk diundang plak tu. :PP. so okay la. i asked farah and fana to accompany me. yela, malu la katakan. ;D. tapi time ajak dorang dua, masa tu dh pagi. pagi like 8am like that. tiba2 farah kata dia ada tuitionnnnn. aaaaaaaaaaa. memang rasa cm nak cekik2 je dia time tu. sepatutnya tuition dia hari rabu and jumaat tapi cikgu jam tukar hari isnin and selasa pulak so apa2 la. tk kisah la kan. then fana pulak, dia kata dia pun ada tuition. KONON la. mula2 kata ada, then all of a sudden, teacher dia call, kata tuition kena cancel. time tu i was at teacher's house dh. teacher picked me up :). iman, izzat, imran, ihsan sume ada ;). okay, so sekarang nak cite masa dekat uma teacher pulak :D. (cite dia belum start lagi. ni baru pendahuluan ehh. ahah. :P).
sebelum teacher sampai, i was on the phone, with farah. tengah nervous tuu. puas pujuk farah ponteng tuition dia. haha. (sorry weyhh. i'm such a bad friend. ;PP). then lepas dh call farah, tengok tv plak. sejuk tangan kaki sume tengok tv tau. yelaa, takutttt. siapa je y tk takut bila nak date dengan teacher. nyahaa. jk2 :PP. pastu teacher pun sampai dengan the children. first2 tu, dengan nervousnya, ajak la masuk dulu. (first time ni ada cikgu y masuk uma. cikgu zaruni y duk sebelah uma pun tk pernah masuk lg tau. ehehh). dah masuk tu, teacher tengok2 gambar. then lepas dh pakai tudung, kitorg pun naik kete. ingatkan mcm setengah jam nak sampai uma teacher, tp disebabkan teacher pun bawak kete mcm youngsters nowadays (ceyhhhh), so sampai agak awal la. sampai uma teacher, tolong2 teacher dengan house chores sume. along the way tu, borak2 ngan teacher. fuhh. teacher memang pandai korek rahsia lah i tell you. (warning to those y tk pernah date ngan teacher ;)). she'll squeeze every single drop of secret there is in you till there's none left! trust me, she's good at it. hehe. ;PP. suka pop up questions y boleh buat orang buah delima (in dilemma). so i got to see teacher punya gambar time muda2 dulu. fuyohhhhhhhhh. hot stuff gila weyhh! haha. no kidding! model la katakan. kan teacher kan? i was astounded masa tengok teacher dulu. what she looked like 14 years ago was soooooo much different than she is now. and i thought my eyes were deceiving me at that time. haha. then after that, teacher handed me her wedding album. first page, ada gambar hantaran. second page? terus dapat myocardial infarction (heart attack)! lol. oh ya, forgot about the children. time teacher and i tengah tengok2 album sume, dorang tengok cite baby's day out (i recommended it to them). hehehe. after that, makaaaaaaan. ayam goreng teacher sedap oo. kalah KFC (apa ni. keje asek nak bodek jee) =P. tkdela2. betuuul! buat pe nak tipu kan. time2 nak SPM ni, kena tahan la sket bila nak nipu. tapi white lies tkpe. ;D. after lunch, sambung balik tolong2 teacher. cakap2 lagi (makin banyak la secrets y TERkeluar) ;]]. benda2 y tk pernah cite kat orang lain (jangan kata kawan, siblings pun tk cite tau) sume i shared with teacher. entah la. idk why but i felt, erm, comfortable? yeahh. i felt comfortable sangat bila nak cite kat teacher apa2 masa tu. and teacher pulak asek give me the i'm-here-for-you look. so mana tknk cite. mesti la nak let it all out kan. then naik atas pulak. men kopite (computer2). as usual, sume pun bukak. facebook, blog, ym. tu sume memang compulsory lah. ;DD. pejam celik pejam celik, dh pukul 6pm lebih. almost 7pm. teacher punya sister pun sampai (i didnt know she was coming so bila dia datang tu, malu2 kucing la). :P. dh salam2 sume ngan the children and teacher's sister, off we went. agak sedih la time tu. teacher la. pasang lagu sedih. terus sentimentol :PP. masa dalam kete tu, cakap2 lagi. memang bercaaaaakaap je kita kan teacher? lol. pastu sampai la uma. salam teacher (sorry teacher. tk dpt nak salam teacher betul2. my hands were sweaty at that time. so salam teacher mcm tu je) ;/. then (tah berapa banyak 'then' dh type), balik laa. bubbye kat teacher, she drove off, and that was it. so, tu lah. tu je y nak cite. actually i don't wanna write this in my blog. not that i don't wanna share with all, it's just that, rasa mcm nak biar me and teacher je yang tau but somehow, i felt compelled to write it all in here. bak kata tira, 'tengah bercerita ngan pc la ni. in love, in love :PP). okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. itu je lah. trimas and congrats la kat sape2 yang berjaya membaca post ni dari mula sampai habis (without skipping from parts to parts ehh). lol lol. eyhhhhh! kejap2. conclusion tkde lagi.
so, in a nutshell, i enjoyed the day so much even though teacher doesn't feel it that way ( i think ;]) and i must say that i CAN be happy just by being with her (and the children! :)). kenal teacher since Form 3 sampai la sekarang. memang tk lama pun but considering what we've been through together, yeah, i love her and she's indeed a mother (okay2. a sister. ;DDD) to me. i love you teacher!!! :DDD :* <('.'<) ;] P.S: the italic words tu, (except for date), sume teacher punya trademarks eh ;]. Start buat post ni pukul 1.26am tapi berjaya dipublishkan pada pukul 3.32am. Penat oo nak ingat2 balik sume. So any grammar/spelling etc mistake, harap maaf la ya. I'm too lazy to check my essay right now. ehehh. ;PP
okay okay okay, habis dh, habis dh. :)
ceh, bagi hadiah a weh aku baca smapi habis ! 'mama' eh anis ? aku ejek dulu marah . hmmphh
ohh2, mana cerita kau yg kata sama dengan mimpi aku tu ha
hahaha. bukan la marah. tp cara kau ckp mmg perli gila doh. and and, aku pggil teacher mama tu kau tau tk sbb apa? msti tktau ni. kan blog teacher, chatbox tu, teacher trsalah type "mana" jadi "mama". so tu y aku ngan farahanaizra start pggil teacher mama. ishh kau ni.
kejap2. smlm nak buat tp penat sgt ahh. aku nak post hari ni la ni. :DDD
oh ya, bg hadiah? nnt kita nak klua kannn. sabtu ni kannnn. so, i'll treat you smthng la. kayh? :*. hahahaha. ;DDD
aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! I tot EVERYTHING was supposed to be a SECRET between us my dear?
haha. yaaaaa. mula2 ingat mcm tu tp tkpela. since fana dh merajuk dgn i, (cause i didnt tell her about our DATE). :PP. so, kira nak tebus kesalahan la ni. ;DDD
tu lah,
cakap kat Fana, lain kali dengar cakap Teacher Munirah lah.. selalunya cakap dia menjadi a.k.a. masin!
huuush, anis ni mmg tk bole simpan secret betul, tu yg senang je teacher korek secrets dr hang tau tk hahahaha heh, hadiah apa doh, aku tk kata pape psal hadiah pn ?
habis pon baca .
best giler kot !
rugi x ikot
naseb bdn.
naseb bdn.
teacher: hahaha. dh ckp dh kat fana cmtuu. dia kata okay3 :PP. tu la. teacher punya mulut masin! ;DD
tira: ada laa. kau ada ckp psal hadiah. tgk la your first post. "bagi hadiah a weh aku baca smpai habis !". haaaaaa.
farahpoyogila: LOL! siot jee. aku dh kata, mmg pjg. ;PP. tu laa. kau dgn xm tuition kauuu. ceyhhh. padahal nnt aku nak msuk situ jugak. kutuk tk beragak. ;DDD
ooooohhhhhh, kira hadiah aku tu is tak ya treat kau fr bday kau a ek haha
hahahaha. tkde3! :PP
eii, asek2 wtf.
ok2, wtheck
much betta :D
betta ?
beta ? patik ? baginda ?
ishh, much betterrrrrrr. kau nii.
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