Friday, July 1, 2011


"fcuk, what do I care."

The 'fcuk' there says it all, boy. If you didn't mind, you wouldn't be so upset. Temperament of a kid, yeh 'ave.


Fingers are at 25 degree Celsius. Sejuuuuuuuuuuuk! I get cold hands and feet *non-figuratively speaking* all the time. Tapi bila malam2, rasa panas pulak. Though I know I'm not alone (sister's experiencing the same thing), it sometimes bothers me :/. I don't like the feeling of having to put on my socks and walk around in and outta the house. Tak selesa. Dad said I'm experiencing malnutrition. Told him I've got all kinds of nutrition already. More than needed, tbh lol.

Actually dah 2 kali tulis pasal Tyler Ward, tapi tak boleh nak "Save Now" -_- sooo nak kata yang Tyler Ward tak handsome tak hot tak apa tapi dia tersangat lah attractive.

P/s: This is already the 98634931398th time I've edited this entry. Kalau tak dapat publish jugak, suka hati la blogspot. 

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