Friday, November 4, 2011

Could've, Would've, Might've.

We could've been frog and toad in another life. 

If only you hadn't acted the way you did.
If only you weren't the germinal of this pain.
If only you had listened, or at least taken the time to make an effort, even the subtlest, for it.
If only you had accepted my apology at its best.
If only you'd cared.
If only you'd stayed.
Only, if.

You'd never read this and I know full well of it. For the 72947th time, I'm sorry. For hurting you particularly on a day I shouldn't have. I, might have liked you. Yeah, might have.

P/s: I'm writing this as Joe Brook's Holes Inside playing on my lappy on loop. Addictive, that song is.

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