Saturday, December 22, 2012

Busy Life in University.

Finally, a new post!
I've been so so sooooooo busy with U-life that I haven't had the time to actually make a nice, long post here.
So anyways, congratulations to myself for surviving Week 14.

Week 14 - Theeee most hectic week I've ever had in all my university years.
4 tests, 4 assignments, 2 quizzes, and 3 presentations.
And that's not all, folks.
What with the replacement class, wooo it was hard.

So now begins my study leave.
I'm only gonna allow myself to really enjoy the short hol for a few days. Really, few days. No several this time.

So I wanna take this opportunity to thank everyone for some or no apparent reason at all.
But ultimately, I wanna thank Allah The Exalted for giving me the super strength when I needed it the most.
I admit, my patience was tested to its core.
Problems poured in from all ways, attacking me physically and mentally.
But thank goodness all is well. :)

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