Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pretty Little Liars.

Guess my ultimate favourite?
Obsessively obsessed (don't worry about redundancy) with Pretty Little Liars now!
2 whole seasons in 5 days at kampung (hometown) hehe.
I get to enjoy my vacay going here and there in Terengganu and still manage to finish 2 delicious seasons of PLL at the same time.

A+ on time management, much? *smirk*
Okay okay. I only get a few hours of sleep everyday cause I gotta get up at 8am each day.
I like spending my mornings in the garden, at the beach, everywhere.
My cuti time is of the essence hihi. So waste not, want not!

I'm just gonna spam my blog post with pretty pictures of my Pretty Little Liars.
(Yes, they are very much mine. I love them!) ;)

Ashley Benson! Taylor Swift has been replaced. :B
How many of you can pull off THIS kind of look while covered in dirt? A-mazing.
"Cause two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."

Ian Hardinggggggg!
Alrighty. Enough of fangirling for now. I gotta get back to Season 3! :D
I left S01E09 about a year ago and I had to watch it from the beginning cause I..
I sorta forgot. About everything. :|
Thanks heaps to my brother for downloading all 3 seasons! Xo.

Come bury me in my sleep dream tonight, girls. ^_^

P/s: I have Season 1 till Season 3 (episode 19, latest or second latest). Holla me if you want it!

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