Saturday, January 17, 2009


Okay, it's 5.37am now. I can't sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. I have to go to school in 1 hour and 20 minutes time. Ada cross country. Grrrrr. Macam mana nak lari eh? Takpa2. Ada alasan. ASTHMA! Hahah. Alright, alright. Cut the crap and straight to the point. I can't sleep and I'm bored. Hahh. I don't know what to doooooo. Help me please? Seriously, I need some med. You know. Mana la tau tiba2 rasa mengantuk ke. Hehh. I can't wait to meet Ihsan tomorrow. (Teacher, nak cop dia duluuuu) :P. He's so cute! Geram jee tgk pipi dia. Haishh. :DDD. Okay la. Don't know what else to type anymore. Later. :)


Anonymous said...

ooohhhh, ni la sebab kau tk dtg sekola kan ! bongok punya orang

Anis Farhanah said...

hahah. mana ada. :PP