Tuesday, December 22, 2009



i hate facebookers now. not all of em, but mostly yeah. mengada2.. trying so hard to be or look cool amongst friends. zzzz. "eeh, nak pergi sini ke sana? i'm confused, please help me! both are rated 5-star. huhu.", "oh shit! which handbag should i use? louis vuitton or prada???", "sorry, i don't drink teh ais, air anggur/oren/sirap. tak class lah minum THAT kind of beverage", "eeee, gila geli sial. dengan peluh2 tu semua. tak nak aku main kat luar. nanti hitam aa. skin aku dah la fair and perfect. habis kulit aku" etc. and there's a whole lot more where that came from! okay, these might not be the exact sentences, but they aren't too far from it. seriously, kau dah la laki, jangan jadi pondan sgt boleh tk? kononnya, high-standard sgt la tu kalau behave like that. depan X and myself, "oh, my beautiful *****" and X would reply, "my adorable something2. behind X's back, "eww, ada ke dia panggil aku adorable? tk pasal2. oh well, maybe i AM just too charming ^_^.". uh, puh-leaseee. not even close! yelaa X ckp cmtu, dh kau y bodek dia in the first place. zz, how noob. i didn't make this all up. dia sendiri y post dekat facebook dia. dekat sekolah, perangai cm A, dalam facebook, perangai cm Z. why? sbb dekat sekolah tkde org2 y high-standard cm dia, whereas dekat facebook, all those rich and spoiled brats are in his friends' list. well hey, i didn't say this either. he did. eeeh, dh la. i superduper loathe ppl who are trying to be something or someone else JUST to please others or to fit in a society where you don't belong in the first place. urgh. ni y nak nyanyi lagu avril ni (complicated) :P

bottom line is, i'm reaaaally beginning to despise him now and he's only one out of the many whom i'm beginning to hate. oh and pardon me for my use of language. i was only repeating what he said to me ;]


Aunt Michelle's gone for a full year now (21/12/08)... :(


Anonymous said...

is that johan?

Anis Farhanah said...

aa? and ni sape btw?