Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The McD Story. And Some Engineering Stuff.

Great 6 hours of Skype-ing sesh with you, buddy!
Haa 50 calculus questions kau haha.
Can't even think straight afterwards kiki.

I'mma have 2 other tests as soon as school break's over.
(As if the 5 tests I had (to which they had crammed them all in 4 days!) weren't enough).
Not complaining, not complaining..
I actually like examinations.
No seriously, no sarcasm intended.
Cause dia macam, time study tu la baru nak faham betul2 apa yang lecturer ajar.
It's actually really fun learning those engineering stuff once you get the hang of its complexity. ^_^
And on another note, it's also fun learning things you know you can apprehend.
Kalau tak faham and taknak take the extra mile to understand the subject, memang tak best lah.
Which leads us back to why we gotta be a nerd! :D

Just last night, I brought my laptop and calculus shiznitz to McDonald's.
Yeah so I wore a black pants and a thick red jacket and I wore my schoolbag liddis:

But you didn't have to stare at me. -_-
I like the way I wear my bag. ^^
And then there were 3 kids next to my table, looks kinda like my age or a tad younger, whispering around as they threw me the look. 
2 gals and 1 boy.
Yeah that wasn't so nice man. 
If anything, it was actually pretty rude.
So what if I eat and study alone......... 
It's not a crime....... :|

Half an hour later...

So I took out my phone and laptop and their respective chargers.
Banyak gak la wire2 nya haha.
I guess the gadgets shut them up cause they looked my way a few times and scooted off. 
Not being proud, really.
Was just glad that they're gone.

Ada juga lagi orang2 macam ni ya?
Narrow-minded bastards kids, everywhere.

Don't you know, wearing your backpack like that *points at the picture above* is the new def of cool? ;)

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