Friday, November 2, 2012

My Hari Raya Qurban!

Yup! My Hari Raya Qurban this year has been... different.

I have so many assignments and lab report to complete and having two tests next week isn't really helping either.
Fortunately, I started (with the workload) early so I'm down with only one now. YAY! ^_^

I'll KISS (Keep It Short & Simple) this time. NOT

Friday, October 26th.
The mark of my daddy's turning 57. Happy birthday, abah. :)
I'm sorry I couldn't surprise you with anything this year but I promise I'll get you something nice when you get back. So, be safe and get back to Malaysia! I await your return. <(^_^<)

Alright. So I slept late that day. I just missed dad sooo much that night that I just sent him a long-assbutt text message at 3ish in the morning.
And to my surprise, I let out a few tears. Subconsciously!
Tak tipu, tak sedar pun tengah menangis masa tu.
One second I was typing and the next there were drops of salty liquid, touching my lips and... the screen phone. (O.o)
So okay la. Did my homework till 3am and then tiba2 abah call. Like :O juga la haha.
We only talked for a few minutes but it was a gazillion times better than texting for an hour. Mahal kan call dari Mekah sana hmm..

Bangun pagi tu, pergi rumah Mak Ngah untuk berayaaaaaaa. :D
The food was good! I was crazily craving for rendang but tak ada..


Then, Huzaifah bin Muhammad Diah aka Jepa aka Jepster aka Epa (nama manja dia haha!) fetched me at my place that evening.
He came with Apek and we went straight for TAR College to test the blades (fencing stuff).
Sekali guard kata datang esok je zzz.

Tiba2, I had this hankering for cendol.
Jepa pun cari la sambil2 drive tu. I was telling him about how disappointed I was when there was no rendang at me aunt's place when he suddenly called his grandma (or so I thought).
He freakin' asked his grandma/mum/aunt if Apek and I can go and beraya at the latter's place.
They said yes. :DDDDDDDD

But before that, we crashed Zue's place. My idea hehe.
Zue dengan muka baru bangun tidur dia hahah kelakar betul.
Last2 dengan Zue sekali pergi makan rendang dekat kampung Jepa wooo!
The food was prime weh!
2 types of scrumptiously-cooked rendang, 2 kinds of pizza, nasi impit, ayam goreng sambal, karipap, fruits, 3 different cakes and God knows the rest.
Life was once again good. XD
And I can't thank you enough, Jepa. :)

Jepa, Zue, me (my goodness look at my face!), Apek.
"Anis sasau" -Zue

Balik malam tu, terus shoot pergi rumah Mak Long pula.
Mak Long catered some awesome raya dishes!
My tummy was literally in its convex model mode but I managed to stuff in a bit of everything ngeee.
I am just THAT good! Haha.

Next day... (to be continued)

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